Sunday, May 12, 2019

Red Clover Jelly

Red Clover Jelly

2 cups packed clover blossoms, no leaves, no stems
2 1/2 cups boiling water
1/4 cup lemon juice – fresh is great if you have it
4 cups sugar
One box Sure-jell powdered pectin

  • First, infuse the blossoms in the water. Place the blossoms in a heat resistant container and pour the boiling water over. Allow them to steep 8 hours or overnight.
  • When ready to can, sterilize four 8-ounce jars or eight 4 ounce jars, keep hot. Heat lids and rings in hot water, keep warm but not boiling. Fill water bath canner and bring to boil.
  • Strain the flowers out of the water. Squeeze dry. You should have 2 1/4 cup infused water. Add more water if needed. I allowed the strained liquid to sit in the refrigerator overnight, and then poured it off carefully. This allowed some of the particles to settle out of the infusion, resulting in a clearer jelly.
  • etc

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