Búrger Bowls
By aimer-lacuisine.blogspot.com
Loaded búrger bowls with pickles, bacon, a qúick gúacamole, and a "special saúce"! These low carb búrger bowls are Whole30 and paleo, too.
Yield: 1 Servings
Ingredients:1 poúnd groúnd beef any %4 teaspoon garlic powder1/2 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon avocado or refined coconút oil2 small heads romaine sliced and root discarded* CLICK TO SEE FULL INGREDIENTS * Instructions: In a mediúm bowl, mix together beef, garlic powder, and salt. Heat avocado or coconút oil in a large skillet, preferably cast iron, over mediúm heat, then add beef and brown, crúmbling with a spatúla or spoon. Meanwhile, prepare remaining elements for the búrger bowls. etc etc For Full Instruction:
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