Sunday, May 12, 2019

Apple Cinnamon Jelly

Apple Cinnamon Jelly

5 lbs of apples
4 cinnamon sticks
1 tablespoon whole cloves
2 cups water
7 cups sugar

  • The night before you are ready to can your jelly: Quarter your apples. You want the peel, core, and all. Place them in a slow cooker with the cinnamon sticks, cloves, and water. Turn it on low and let that baby cook for 10 to 12 hours.
  • Place a strainer over a large bowl in the sink. Lay cheesecloth on top of your strainer and slowly pour your apple mixture into the straining device. Gently press the cloth with a large spoon getting as much juice out of your apples as you possibly can ( I did this in several batches).
  • You should get about 7 cups of juice from this, but just in case… you can add a little bit of apple juice if you need to top things off. Place your 7 cups of juice into the large pot with the pectin. Bring to a rapid boil.
  • etc

  • For Full Instruction:

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