Sweet and Spicy Christmas Pepper Jam By bowl-me-over.com
When you are boiling the fruit & sugar, it is a super hot mixture and will burn you in an instant. Be very careful!! Also, if a jar doesn't seal, you can always replace the lid (these cannot be reused) and re-process it in the water bath or simply refrigerate that jar.
Prep time: Cook time: Total time:
Yield: 7 Servings
Ingredients: 2 green bell peppers 2 red bell peppers 1 yellow bell pepper 4 jalepenos peppers 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes * CLICK TO SEE FULL INGREDIENTS *
Measure 3 cups sugar into a large bowl. Remove 1/4 cup sugar and in a separate bowl, mix it with the powered Sure-Jell. Set aside both mixtures; the sugar and Sure-Jell/sugar.
Roughly chop all of the peppers. Carefully remove the seeds & membranes. Add them all to the food processor and pulse until they are well chopped, not pulp, but chopped. You may need to do this in a couple of batches.
Place the peppers, red pepper flakes and salt in a heavy bottom pan. Add cider vinegar & water. Add the Sure-Jell/sugar mixture and stir thoroughly. Place mixture over high heat and bring to a boil stirring constantly. When it comes to a hard rolling boil (one that you can't stir down add the remaining sugar and return to a boil, again stirring constantly.
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